Florida Keys DUI Arrest and Driver’s License Suspension

The procedures involving what happens to your driver’s license after a DUI arrest and the eventual criminal prosecution of the substantive crime are similar and yet very different. Let us examine the following case study. One evening, as you’re driving on the highway, you get pulled over by a sheriff’s deputy or a Florida highway

Debtors Can Strip Second Mortgages In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

A new court decision by the Federal Appeals Court for 11th Circuit (In re: McNeal, No. 11-11352, (11th Cir., May 11, 2012) ) allows individuals to eliminate a second mortgage and any other inferior liens on real property that are under-secured, in other words, upside down, by filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In the past,

Florida Keys Car Accident Update:

New Changes Concerning the Availability of PIP Benefits Keep in mind that the law in Florida just changed concerning PIP.  Most of these laws will go into effect beginning on January 1, 2013. For example, a finding of an Emergency Medical Condition must be made within 14 days of the accident in order to qualify

Brickell Condo Owner Facing Foreclosure?

If you are a condo owner in the Brickell area of Miami and are facing foreclosure, there may be several options available to save your home. In addition to government sponsored modification programs such as HAMP, your own lender may have an in-house modification option available. However, there may be some serious consequences with the

Divorce in Brickell: The Dangers With Keeping the Condo

If you are a condominium owner in the Brickell area of Miami and are contemplating divorce, there are many issues you must consider that were not present just a few short years ago. A few years ago, with property values in Brickell soaring, anyone involved in a divorce was attempting to secure possession of the