3 Tips For Getting Adequate Compensation For Your Auto Accident Injuries

Americans spend an average of 70 billion hours in the car each year. Driving back and forth to work or picking the kids up from school are tasks that most people perform without much thought. While it may not seem like it, the roadways of Florida are extremely dangerous. Thousands of car accidents occur in

What To Know If You Are Being Sued

No one considers that there will be a time in their lives that they will be faced with a civil lawsuit. Most people were not taught civil law in school, and many do not even know anyone personally who has been involved in a civil lawsuit. For these reasons, you can be completely sidelined when

“I Went to the Hospital, and I Came Back Worse!”

In the legal world, many practice areas can be thorny and complicated, and that includes medical malpractice claims. To be fair, some cases are more complicated than others.   However, clients tend to have a somewhat simplified view of medical malpractice, and might believe that since physicians and offices carry such high amounts of insurance,

Slip and Fall Accidents in Florida: Important Steps You Must Take

If you are involved in a slip and fall accident, the commotion and events around you may become confusing and overwhelming. This can lead to you finding it difficult to remember all the details of the accident, what exactly happened, and what caused the situation. While situations like this can be confusing, it does not

Understanding Types of Car Insurance Coverage

You may need to understand the common types of coverage available on a car insurance policy if you’re shopping for auto insurance or buying a new car. The various types of car insurance coverage available will help protect you, your vehicle, your passengers, and your vehicle if you get involved in a car accident. Car

Help with Car Accident Injuries in Florida

What happens when you’re in a car accident in Florida? Well, first of all, you have to assess the damage. That includes whether you have any injuries. Some of your injuries will be immediately visible and evident. If you smashed your hand on the steering wheel or got a cut on your cheek, that’s something

Advice to Avoid a DUI this Holiday Weekend in the Florida Keys

This weekend is a one of the busiest travel holidays for motorists visiting the Florida Keys. Having said that, there will be an increased police presence on the highways. Those planning to drive should remember their constitutional rights in the event they are stopped by a police officer or a Florida Highway Patrolmen. First, while

“I just got injured at work. What now?..”

As an attorney working with personal injury cases, I get asked this a lot. It’s a good question and while the answer may seem obvious, some find it confusing as to where to start. In Florida, if an injury occurs on the job or during employment, there are benefits that are available known as Worker’s

How does one obtain Social Security Disability benefits?

Each year hundreds of thousands of people either become injured at work, through an accident, or suffer a debilitating disease, or sickness that renders them unable to perform any traditional work in which to earn a living. These conditions can be either physical, psychological, or both. In these situations, the federal government will award people